Anker Nielsen CV

Denmark - AAU / SBi

From 1/9-2009 to 2015 senior researcher at SBi - Danish Building Research Institute - Aalborg Universitetet (40%). From 1/7-2010 full time. From 1/6-2012  reduced time.
From 1/9 2015 part-time lecturerr

Sweden - CTH

From 15/8-2004 professor in Building Physics (70%) at Chalmers University of Technology.
From 1/9-2009 to 30/4-2010 part time 60%.

Sweden - SP

From 1/9-2000 reseacher at SP - Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Borås. Department of Energy Technology.
From 15/8-2004 part time at SP (30%) until 31/8-2009.

Norway - SIN / HIN

In 1990 employed as the first Professor in Building Science at the new Narvik Institute of Technology (SIN).
Responsible for all technical courses at the 2 year M.Sc. study in Building Science (Integrert Bygningsteknologi).
Initiated research in simulation of wind and snow around buildings in 1992. This is a special research area for SIN.
Co-Vice Chancellor at "Høgskolen i Narvik" (Narvik Institute of Technology) from 1994 to 1997.
Sabbatical year 1997/98 at Aalborg University, Denmark, Indoor Environmental Technoloy and UNIS, The University Studies at Svalbard, Norway
From 1/9-2000 - 31/8- 2005 part time (20%) professor at HIN.

Norway - NBI

From 1981 moved to Trondheim, Norway.
Employed as researcher at The Norwegian Building Research Institute (NBI), Trondheim Division. The main topics were: Energy Balances (special windows and glass), Measurements of heat transfer, Calculations of Energy Consumption, Moisture Dimensioning with Statistics, Use of Computers for Building Physics calculations, Information systems on CD for Building Details Sheets, Snow loads on glass roofs, thermal insulation and inverted roofs.
Head of group for Building Physics and Climate (8 persons).
Technical secretary for the Norwegian Association of Insulation Material Producers - control of thermal insulation of products.
Member of the Trondheim Glass Yard Group for research on glass and glazed areas.
In 1985 judged to be qualified as professor in Building Technology.
From 1988 censor at The Norwegian University of Technology and Science in Trondheim.

Denmark - DTU

Born May 19, 1945 in København, Denmark.
From 1964 to 1969 engineering student at the Danish Technical University.
In 1969 civil engineer with diploma work at the Thermal Insulation Laboratory.
1969-71 compulsory military service in special technical service.
In 1971 starting as PhD student at the Thermal Insulation Laboratory with the topic: Measurements of moisture distributions in cellular concrete during moisture transfer.
In 1974 PhD with thesis: Moisture distributions in cellular concrete during heat- and moisture transfer.
From 1974 to 1981 employed as researcher on different projects at the Thermal Insulation Laboratory. The main topics were: Moisture Research, Low Energy Houses, Calculations of Energy Consumption and Heat Accumulation in Materials.


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